Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's Hot in Arizona!

It's hot in Arizona!

I'm not talking about the local economy & real estate markets although "The Arizona Republic" did report last week that the market had possibly "bottomed". (See the link for the full article: Although sales are not as "hot" as in the 2005/2006 days, the inventories are decreasing & things are looking brighter.

No, I'm talking about 115 degree temperatures and showing properties to brave, brave souls looking for homes! You work differently when it's that "warm"! For one, you find yourself carrying an igloo cooler loaded with ice and bottles of water. You think that you are prepared but then you realize if you really had it together, you would have packed cold, wet washcloths, as well! Then there's the whole bank-owned property scenario....there's never any electricity on so it's double-hot inside & you find yourself using property flyers for fans! Or how about the loosening standards of business dress? Personally, I think swim suits are a great idea & then we could try out the backyard pools as we toured from home to home!

This would be July & August in the desert! Eventually the wild, hot winds of the monsoons will give way to the gentle breezes of autumn and we will all remember why we live here! A little bit of summer is not a bad price to pay....of course, it's November when we realize it!

Stay cool!

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