Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th

Welcome to my to blog! I'm excited to have it set up and look forward to sharing great information about the Phoenix housing market via this site!

The local market continues to grow stronger. I've been working with Buyers in the FHA market (purchase price less than $346,500) & I must say that the market has definitely turned around in that area. I am seeing limited inventories and multiple offers on properties. I think that much of the improvement can be credited to first time home buyers taking advantage of historically low interest rates & the $8000 tax credit, which expires at the end of November. There's also a lot of investor activity going some areas, properties are selling for less than they can be built - easy cash flow if you want rental properties. Statistics put the Phoenix market at a 3 1/2 month inventory. Unbelievable!

The luxury market continues to struggle. The availability of jumbo loans is just not there. Home buyers in that market really have to go back to the mindset of 20% down to buy a house. There are terrific opportunities for those who want to "move up". The overall amount of inventory for Scottsdale is at 7 1/2 months.

I have a wonderful listing in the Powderhorn Ranch neighborhood of North Scottsdale. It's a 5 bedroom beauty, located near the best of schools. I've included photos on the "slideshow". If you know of anyone looking for a great family home, please give me a call.

Happy 4th of July......Let Freedom Ring!

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